Monday, August 24, 2020

Ophelia “Frailty They Name Is Woman”

Hamlet says, â€Å"Frailty thy name is woman†. Consider this announcement in the light of the introduction of Aphelia; Identify key scenes and discourses for investigation Discuss different creations/translations State your inclination of understanding The word delicate meaner when an individual or item has the nature of being powerless, delicate, frail in wellbeing or being ethically flimsy, likewise somebody who is effectively controlled and affected by individuals that encompass them, incapable to remain all alone. In this paper I intend to investigate the character of Aphelia in the play Hamlet by WilliamShakespeare, to see whether she is a delicate character and what variables add to this. I need to take a gander at specific scenes where Aphelia is included and ones where she is being depicted and utilized so as to perceive how Aphelia responds to different characters in the play, to check whether she gives a specific indications of being fragile. In act 1 scene 2 Hamlet is alluding to his mom portraying his sentiments on how unsuitable it is that she has proceeded onward so hurriedly from the man that she appeared to adore so beyond all doubt. He at that point says â€Å"Frailty, thy name is lady! He is at the time pointing his remark at his mom and his annoyance for the new King yet he names guiltless Aphelia under this too. We need to recollect that Aphelia was raised in a general public that is male prevailing, the ladies in Elizabethan occasions had little control on what was to happen to their lives and were firmly administered by their dads and spouses. The ladies in this period would be relied upon to comply with their significant other's requests and father's desires. It is in this manner not amazing that Aphelia isn't given numerous lines in the play itself however she is a key apparatus utilized all through by; Hamlet,Polonium and Claudia in an offer to out do and get each other out. I would concur with Jacques Lilac here in his presenta tion of Aphelia in one of his courses that started with â€Å"That bit of trap named Aphelia† she is in fact utilized as lure by those nearest to her and they don't appear to mind if the snare gets gobbled up all the while. This intruding and playing with her makes it inconceivable for her to get away and adds to her demise, this is finished by the individuals near her whom she gazes upward to and regards enough to be dependent on them and to likewise absolutely believe them with her undertakings and issues however they abuse her and control her naivety.From the start Aphelia is depicted to us as a sensitive, articulate, aware youngster yet one who is being told and requested by her sibling to maintain the family name by not consenting to sex with Hamlet before marriage, despite the fact that she voices her own assessments on the issue she seems to obey and follow what her sibling is solidly recommending she does. Despite the fact that I think here Aphelia gives her actual co llectedness and mind in that she realizes that her sibling is probably going to be conflicting with these guidelines himself and in this way being hypocritical.But, acceptable my sibling, Do not as some ungracious ministers do, Show me the precarious and prickly approach to paradise, Whiles, similar to a puffed and foolish profligate, himself the way of hedonism of dalliance tracks, and stinks not his own red. † Here she voices her point yet in an honorable manner. All she needs is her sibling to have a feeling of decency among them and set aside the way that she is viewed as more vulnerable being a lady and is nearly voicing a supplication for uniformity. In examination after this she is then trained once more, presently by her compelling, strict dad who essentially imagines that Hamlet's affection for Aphelia isn't love t everything except that it's Just lust.He thinks he has his little girl's wellbeing at the top of the priority list however he doesn't give her much an idea l opportunity to consider her sentiments or to voice them to him. In act 1 scene 3 Aphelia trusts in her dad clarifying what Hamlet has said to her and furthermore what she trusts Hamlet's emotions are towards her. â€Å"And hath offered face to his discourse, my master, with practically all the sacred pledges of paradise. † This shows she believes Hamlet's adoration as well as that she is unguarded with her dad and that she has a lot of trust in him and doesn't need to keep down or keep insider facts from him.She is very credulous in imagining that she can have total trust in Polonium. He utilizes this incredible trust his little girl has in him for his potential benefit to pick up favor with Claudia. Some may state that it is here she is slight in that she doesn't go to bat for what she accepts or for her adoration for Hamlet. She rapidly complies with her dad's desires to quit seeing him without considering what she genuinely needs. In answer to Aphelion's emotions and con victions on Hamlet's adoration for her, Polonium appears in his tone and language his dismissal for his little girl's sentiments and level of development. â€Å"Think yourself an infant. † off talk like a green young lady. â€Å"Ay, style you may call it. † Here he is comparing her to an infant, perhaps meaning she is powerless, youthful and delicate and needs to rely upon others so as to make due among them. Likewise he taunts her since he doesn't accept that Hamlet's adoration for her is genuine in spite of the fact that she does. He is nearly humoring her since he thinks she is a numb-skull for feeling that Hamlet's affection is valid and is continually putting her down calling her a green young lady since she isn't ready yet and in this way not mature enough to perceive what is truly going on. This scene and conversation closes just with Aphelia saying; l will comply. She has been raised not to contend with her dad however I concur with David Pennington when he say s, â€Å"Aphelion's readiness to let her dad decipher for her is very disappointing† on the grounds that rather than her capacity to confront her sibling she has no capacity to contradict her dad. In act 2 scene 2 Polonium is chatting with Claudia attempting to organize a gathering among Aphelia and Hamlet. â€Å"I'll free my little girl to him. † Her dad discusses her like a bit of snare or a pawn under his unlimited oversight, he makes her sound like a creature being let free like a wild pooch, out of nowhere released.This is her dad once more assuming responsibility for her life and joy when he proposes that they set up a gathering with Hamlet so Polonium and Claudia get the chance to keep an eye on the circumstance and hear what Hamlet needs to state. It is in this scene that Hamlet presently utilizes Aphelia as an objective for his resentment, disappointment and sentiments of contempt for the injustice of Polonium and Claudia. He is gruff and loathsome when he voi ces his outrage guaranteeing there was nothing among him and Aphelia; â€Å"l adored you not† â€Å"Marry a numb-skull for insightful men know all around ok what beasts you think about them. Hamlet is very coldblooded and brutal in the things he decides to state to Aphelia. He likewise coordinates remarks through her, for example, â€Å"l state we will have no more marriage. Those that are hitched effectively everything except one, will live. † Here Hamlet is undermining Claudia and truly attempting to panic and threaten him by proposing that he is going to slaughter him. Aphelion's response to this scene with Hamlet and his joke of her is pretty much nothing and she appears to be very weak with little to answer with. â€Å"O help him, you sweet sky. â€Å"O eminent forces, reestablish him. † Instead of answering legitimately, she is arguing to the sky and God as though the demon or fiendishness has changed Hamlet and she wishes they could transform him back. This could be viewed as naivety to might suspect it isn't down to Hamlet himself. She shows fragility here; in that she before long looses certainty and furthermore the will to support herself and the adoration she thought she had with Hamlet. Act 4 scene 7 Aphelion's demise is reported by Gertrude before Alerter and Claudia.Aphelion's passing is depicted in such an individual, quiet and rich way it's an excellent concealment for the battle and frenzy that is rapidly spreading among the stronghold. â€Å"Her garments spread wide, mermaid like they bore her up†¦ Lulled the poor bastard from her pleasant lay to sloppy passing. † These lines said by Gertrude make a wonderful picture of Aphelion's alleged incidental passing. The depiction has most likely been changed along these lines on the grounds that ending it all was a transgression and the congregation would have been nauseated at the idea that somebody engaged with the regal family would do such a thing.Aphelia would not be approved to have an appropriate memorial service and internment in the event that it apparently was self destruction. Despite the fact that pieces of the depiction are beautiful and make pictures and impressions of Aphelia there is as yet a cruel arousing with the words ‘muddy demise' that before long take o back to the truth of what has occurred and now an upsetting variable has been included. You can nearly misread the play and not notice she has in certainty slaughtered herself, after her enduring she doesn't get an emotional leave like the various passings in the play and appears rather to sink to her death.This might be a result of Aphelion's character and general emanation that an excruciating moderate demise would not fit with her character and her back story. The depiction itself causes it to appear as though the water didn't need to battle to cut her down yet that it was in reality extremely simple and with no walk, depicting that Aphelia is in certainty delica te in that she was unable to battle more earnestly and get herself out of the profound, dim opening in her psyche that she had withdrawn into.In the two movies I have viewed of Hamlet, the depiction of Aphelia has been unique. In Kenneth Branch's adaptation, Aphelia is the way I envision her to be; very striking, rich and she additionally appears to be a significant savvy youngster played by Kate Winglet. At the point when she talks she doesn't stay away and appear to be delicate, she really appears to voice her lines commandingly when fitting. Anyway when she turns promotion in this film creation I think the acting and the general look of Aphelia is some way or another out of place.I think she needs to give her insane side in an increasingly repressed style of acting and with a marginally progressively crazy side to it, this is the place Fra

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Shock Advertising and High Fashion Brands Essay

Stun Advertising and High Fashion Brands - Essay Example The paper Stun Advertising and High Fashion Brands discusses High Fashion Brands and Shock Advertising. Stun promoting, sex and high style brands make an overwhelming blend. Over 50 years of research has demonstrated to be agreeable to sex in publicizing as Wikipedia (2005) proposed: â€Å"Further proof originates from Gallup and Robinson, a promoting and showcasing research firm which reports that in over 50 years of testing publicizing viability, it has seen the utilization of the sensual as a fundamentally better than expected procedure in speaking with the commercial center, albeit one of the more risky for the sponsor. Weighted down with restrictions and unstable mentalities, sex is a Code Red promoting procedure . . . maneuver carefully . . . merchant be careful; all of which makes it much more intriguing.† Lately the pattern has proceeded with a great deal of solidarity: â€Å"In late years advertisements for pants, scents, and numerous different items have included pr ovocative pictures that were intended to inspire sexual reactions from as huge a cross area of the populace as could reasonably be expected, to stun by their inner conflict, and frequently to interest curbed sexual wants, which are thought to convey a more grounded passionate load†. So stun promoting with a sexual intrigue in high style brands, for the most part in magazines in the United Kingdom, is a hotly debated issue that has been around since the advancement of Marketing. As Advertising is the correspondence vehicle of Marketing, it isn't bizarre that this informative device. has been broadly used to pass on messages of a stunning sexual nature in the high style marking endeavors of numerous advertisers along the years. This field of study offers various, perplexing and questionable measurements to be looked into. 2.- Research Problem Whatever degree stun promoting has been applied to high design brands. 3.- Research Aim The estimation of stun publicizing to high form brands and purchasers. 4.- Research Objectives 1.- To examine the effect of stun publicizing in magazines with a sexual intrigue in high style marks in the United Kingdom. 2.- To consider the pertinence of significant worth promoting using stun publicizing to upgrade the marking picture. 5.- Research Area Promoting territory: - Advertising - Marketing Research - Product and Brand Management - Consumer and Buyer Behavior 6.- Rationale of the examination This examination empowers the crowd to comprehend the job of stun promoting in the high style industry. Likewise, it permits the watchers to have a far reaching information as to the open demeanor towards this promoting methodology. In addition, this exploration venture assists with discovering how stun promoting could be embraced fittingly. (Separate out the handiness to myself by and by and for all intents and purposes, and furthermore to the world all in all) 7.- Usefulness of the exploration By getting into the insider facts of significant worth showcasing by means of stun publicizing utilizing sexual intrigue we can improve our brands in the promoting field as proficient advertisers. It is difficult to choose when to pick stun publicizing and to what degree. We need to consider the unique situation and the medium, among numerous components. By considering this subject we can get familiar with a great deal about human instinct and the purchaser's preferences and inclinations with regards to high form items. This sort of research is

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Nature Books Published This Summer

Best Science/Nature Books Published This Summer Forget the amorphous, ridiculous concept of a beach read summer is the time for great science! Here are some of my favorite books about science and nature published in the summer of 2016. On the science side: I Contain Multitudes: The Microbes Within Us and a Grander View of Life by Ed Yong  (8/9 from Ecco) It isnt just any writer who could take the subject of microbes and make it fascinating, engrossing, and even funny. Microbes are mind-bogglingly ubiquitous and necessary to life as we know it. This book  covers topics like the history of microbial research,  the place of microbes in the human body, the co-evolution of microbes and animals, and the potential future of microbial engineering. Yong approaches a complex topic with enthusiasm, making it a compelling, enjoyable read. Seven Skeletons: The Evolution of the Worlds Most Famous Human Fossils by Lydia Pyne  (8/16 from Viking) This is the story of our search for our human ancestors as told by our seven most famous fossils, such as the Neanderthal of La Chapelle, the Piltdown hoax, the Peking man, the Tuang Child, and Lucy. Each chapter of the book gives the reader the biography of a different famous skeleton, exploring  the discovery of the fossils, the impact of each fossil on our understanding of human evolution, the cultural significance of each find, the ways that the fossils are understood by and displayed to the public. The Unknown Universe: A New Exploration of Time, Space, and Modern Cosmology by Stuart Clark  (7/5 from Pegasus Books) Cosmology is a complicated, mind-bending problem. When I read about theories of space and time I admit that usually my eyes  glaze over and my brain quickly hits a sticking point. Clarks book, however, does a superb job making cutting edge new discoveries about the universe understandable to the lay reader. This book takes the issues on the forefront of the field, puts them in historical context for the reader, and explains their importance. It is extremely readable and entertaining, which is no small feat considering the subject matter. Patient H.M.: A Story of Memory, Madness, and Family Secrets by Luke Dittrich  (8/9 from Random House) This is the story of the most famous patient in the history of psychology and neuroscience, Patient H.M., or Henry Molaison. In 1953, suffering from chronic epilepsy, Molaison was one of many patients to receive a radical lobotomy in an attempt to stop his seizures. Instead, Molaison wound up unable to create new memories. This is the story of Patient H.M. but also the story of the  lobotomy as a neurosurgical technique, the use of human research subjects, and the history treatment of those suffering from mental illnesses and disease. The authors personal connection to the content adds a compelling twist: Dittrichs own grandfather was the surgeon who performed the botched operation on Patient H.M. Grunt: The Curious Science of Humans at War by Mary Roach (6/7 from W.W. Norton and Company) The science of war gets the full Mary Roach treatment: how does the military design uniforms that can withstand the heat of battle? How do medics prepare to handle the chaos and gore of treating wounds during combat? How do soldiers handle their ahem bodily functions in the field? Can bad smells be used as a weapon? The answer to this, and loads more questions you never thought to ask, can be found here. Also check out Book Riots own Kim Ukuras interview with Mary Roach about the book. The Gene: An Intimate History by Siddhartha Mukherjee (5/17 from Scribner) Okay *technically* this book came out in May, not in the summer, but I am going to give it a pass because it is just that good. Ill be brief, but if you are interested in  books about science, this one cannot be missed. Mukherjee takes a deep dive into the history of our understanding of genetics, bringing us all the way up to present day in this epic, incredible  book. On the nature side: On Trails: An Exploration by Robert Moor (7/12 from Simon and Schuster) While hiking the Appalachian Trail in 2009, Moor got to thinking about the nature of trails themselves. How are they made? How do they survive and endure? What makes us follow them? Moor combines science, history, technology, and philosophy on his thoughtful journey to understand the trails. It is profound and interesting, it dwells on big questions and brings together an engaging collections of facts and stories. Welcome to the Goddamn Ice Cube: Chasing Fear and Finding Home in the Great White North by Blair Braverman (7/5 from Ecco) Braverman  tells her story of leaving  California at age 19 to follow the call of the North, a brutal landscape not usually thought of as the realm of a young woman. This is a story of independence, of growing up and coming into ones own, of being a woman in a mans world,  all set against the unforgiving arctic. It is full of dogsleds, glaciers, and freezing cold waters. It is entertaining and wild and deeply personal. Raising Wild: Dispatches from a Home in the Wilderness by Michael Branch (8/23 from Roost Books) This book is a refreshing departure from the nature writing trope of man goes out to wilderness, lives alone in solitude. Here Branch reflects on living in the wilderness with a family and raising daughters. As Branch puts it, In perpetuating an understanding of wildness that depends upon the far-flung exploits of men heroically working alone (or with other men), we overlook the wildness that is inherent both to parenting and to children. Set against the rough beauty of Nevadas Great Basin Desert, Branch winds together family and landscape. The Hour of Land: A Personal Topography of Americas National Parks by Terry Tempest Williams (5/31 from Sarah Crichton Books) Im cheating again, but again I dont care because this book is so so good. A reflection on our National Parks as told by a series of personal essays that are diverse, eloquent, and extremely thoughtful. It is absolutely stunning. It will have you planning vacations to National Parks, if you can even see the guidebooks through your tears of joy. Sign up for True Story to receive nonfiction news, new releases, and must-read forthcoming titles. Thank you for signing up! Keep an eye on your inbox.

Friday, May 22, 2020

The Siege Of Jerusalem, Pompeii, Herculaneum, And Jerusalem

City configuration was a big contributor to the vulnerability of Rome, Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Jerusalem as well as the social importance of class and rule in their leaders. Nero in Rome and Titus during the Siege of Jerusalem cared for themselves and their materialistic values rather than the lives of others. Consequently, their people and cities were torn apart. Similarly in 2011, the Fukushima nuclear disaster effected the city in Japan severely. They withheld important information regarding the nuclear explosions and radiation because they wanted to save face and avoid the consequences. Japan and the company in charge, TEPCO, put themselves above the lives of the people in Japan just like Titus and Nero did in Rome and Jerusalem. In his letters to Atticus, Cicero frequently wrote about the social and political life in Rome. We get a great idea of what the Roman Republic was like with his speeches, books, but specifically his letters. He enjoyed writing to Atticus about the prob lems he saw with the government and complained to him about the officials and inherited wealth of Roman men. If he was alive during the time of Nero’s rule we would expect to read and see letters to his friends about Nero’s wealth and incapability to rule. Cicero would have been enraged with him about the Great Fire of Rome just as Pliny, Suetonius, and Dio Cassius were. According to one article by Keresztes, â€Å"Of the earliest surviving sources, Pliny the Elder, Suetonius and Dio Cassius all,

Friday, May 8, 2020

Paragraphs on State of Consciousness and Religion Essay

1. Briefly describe shifts in states of consciousness. The states of consciousness are about the experience and about feeling the world. It is about your own deep feeling and therefore we need to bring them in its true light that is not rational but sensitive. Religion, in whatever form they may be is a reflection of a certain level of the consciousness. When a persons awareness is changing and expanding, also individual’s vision of the religion can change. 2. Briefly discuss how human capacity for development and change through life interacts with religion. I think that any person in their childhood were more pure and they believed more in God. In every stage of our life we gain and we lose something. In the course of this changes†¦show more content†¦The peak experience paly in important role in each person life and is a self- actualization. The peak experience is a place where one can feel pure happiness and elation. If one can reach the peak experience will feel everything that surrounds him and will lose the track of time or space. The liminality stage is a process where one is between to different worlds, and is more connect to gods and with consciousness. Is a transition from the ordinary life to a stage of self-awareness or self-cognition? An example of liminal person we can say that monks are the most closes to this stage because they life in in different life where they don’t obey the rules of society. They shows us a different ways of life and climates of consciousness. 5. Summarize the position of major psychological interpreters of religion. The major psychological interpreters of religion are Sigmund Freud and Carl G. Jung. If we take a look of what Freud sad about the psychological interpreters of religion, we can see that he though religion was a sign of an imperfect or compulsive progress with a character. Sigmund Freud argues that these impulses have their origin in childhood helplessness and survive into adulthood through the image of the god-father. He thought that religion is a collective psychosis, a mass anxiety and ultimately an illusion. However Carl G. Jung believed that religion is a search of individuation. That is, for uniting the several elements of one’s mind into a melodiousShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On Classical Social And Organizational Theory Essay1744 Words   |  7 Pagesrefugees in the United States right at the moment and/or strategize how to help combat this apparent resistance. 1. Use either Durkheim or Martineau to deepen your understanding of the problem. Begin with a short transition that may be a sentence or two or a short paragraph in length. Next, write a paragraph which broadly introduces the theory (this might be a new paragraph or, If you wrote a transition sentence or two, the same paragraph). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Differences in the Fall of the House of Usher and the House of Usher Free Essays

Mrs. Matthews Juniors H. English November 02, 2012 The short story, â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher,† and the movie, the House of Usher, are two very unalike pieces of work. We will write a custom essay sample on The Differences in the Fall of the House of Usher and the House of Usher or any similar topic only for you Order Now The House of Usher is a poor representation of â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher,† for not staying true to the real production by Edgar Allan Poe. Although the movie has a few noticeable similarities, Hollywood loses the true value and the plot of the original short story. The House of Usher creates a whole new story, that takes the name of the story, but ruins the masterpiece already done by Poe. The Fall of the House of Usher,† is one of the popular horror stories written by Poe. And it’s remarkable plot, is lost in the production of the House of Usher . In the short story the plot is rather simple, Roderick and Madeline Usher are the last of the Ushers who are suffering from incurable diseases. Roderick suffers from â€Å"a morbid acuteness of the senses,† while Madeline suffers from â€Å".. a settled apathy, a gradual wasting away of the person, or frequent although transient affections of a partly cataleptical character.. This disease gives her a deathlike look, making her body lose its feeling, and loses consciousness. Madeline falls into her deathlike symptoms and is thought of as being dead. Roderick and his friend, carry her into the dungeon and keep her there in her coffin. Where she then awakens and frees herself. Covered in her own blood, she kills Roderick by being too frightened by the sight, and the unnamed narrator flees the house. Whereas in the House of Usher there are only a few of these events that take place. In both the movie and short story the Ushers have a incurable, unidentified disease in which dooms them to their horrible deaths. However, Roderick somehow believes he is being controlled by the house he lives in and believes he must do the same things his family has done and to die in the same house he lived in his whole life. Due to his disease, he hears every little noise, its like a piercing to his brain. The disease is mainly mental, and gets tormented by his fear, and predicts this fear will be the death of him. The producer of the House of Usher had to make the changes to the short story because he needed the people to understand the story from a different point of view, and to understand the meaning behind Poe’s story. Poe tried to connect The short story of sickness, horror and death Poe relates this story to his life from his mother(s) and wife who died from the incurable disease of tuberculosis, and connects it to the Ushers who cannot escape their deaths just like those How to cite The Differences in the Fall of the House of Usher and the House of Usher, Papers

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Why Ban Smoking in US Military Essay Example

Why Ban Smoking in US Military Essay In a commissioned study by the Pentagon and the Department of Veterans Affair (VA), a ban on smoking in US military was proposed which was said would change more likely the entire culture of the military (Fox News). If approved, it would end the profitable sales of tobacco around US military bases and make smoking illegal among uniformed soldiers, even in combats. New recruits to the service would need to be tobacco-free and treatment programs would be expanded once the proposal is enacted. The study proposed a five- to 10- even 20- year period gradual phase out of the ban.The proponents of the ban argue that it is for the best. Smoking weakens the soldiers because can cause cancer and other cardiovascular diseases. This translates to poor performance during battles. The rationale behind the proposal is basically to protect people, both the smokers and the people who suffer the effects of second-hand smoking. How can the country rely on servicemen who are threatened of numerous disea ses such as cancer, emphysema and other heart problems? On the other hand, those who are opposing the ban claim that tobacco is a necessity to over come the lack of sleep and food during war. When soldiers smoke, they can forget other bodily needs which are impossible to get in the field anyway. However, this escapism does not solve the problem. For example, studies would show that soldiers who suffer from depression or post- traumatic stress disorder are more likely to smoke. Instead of seeking professional health from doctors, these soldiers seek diversion is smoking which does not solve the problem but create a new one.According to the study, the tobacco ban would relieve Pentagon of $846 million a year in medical care and lost productivity. For VA, the ban means doing away with the $6 billion in treatments for illness cause by smoking. Service members were found out to be heavy smokers ? soldiers are around 37 percent and marines 36 percent. Compared to the ratio of adult Americ an smokers to non-smokers of 1:5, one in three men in service is smoking. Fifty percent of soldiers who experienced combat were more likely to use tobacco than those who did not.In the US, the history of smoking ban started in 1975 in the state of Minnesota when the Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act was passed (Hung, et. al., 2005). At first, only restaurants have sections where smoking was prohibited. Eventually, through the Freedom to Breathe Act of 2007, all restaurants and bars statewide were banned. This was followed in 1990 by San Luis Obispo, California, the first city in the world to ban smoking from all public places. Inspired by California’s commitment, New York started implementing band in 2008.Critics of the smoking bans maintain that it is an encroachment of personal rights. Everyone is thinking about the right of everybody except the right of the smokers. This argument is based on John Stuart Mill’s â€Å"harm principle,† stating that the damage of se condhand smoking does not warrant government intervention. Other economists argue that smoke ban is not necessarily the best solution. Smokers can always compensate nonsmokers without government intrusion. Legal issues have arisen because of such ban, mostly from affected businesses that loss profits without pay off (McGowan, 1995). However, in 2006, a review was conducted in US and established that smoking bans were unlikely to have bad effects in business establishments. In fact, many bars and restaurants have experienced a boost in business after they became smoke free.The tobacco ban is just logical in places such as the military bases and their other facilities with explosive hazards. This would promote safety, reduce liability and lower energy use when ventilation needs go down. Cleanliness of the air and the surroundings due to reduced quantity of litter should give the servicemen the incentive to quit smoking. These people’s primary occupation is to assure the citizen s’ safety from threat and they should play an important role in promoting public health. They are idolized by many and should set an example of making a move towards a healthy lifestyle and not adhering to a culture where smoking becomes an everyday part of existence.Soldiers who smoke are more likely to drop out before they finish their enlisted commitments because of poor health. While in service, they suffer from poor eye sight, fail fitness test, as well as being absent from work frequently. Soldiers who are into smoking are said to bleed harder after surgery, to recover slowly and to be easily infected. If they survive the combats, they still have to face the consequences of being nicotine addicts when they get back home.Secondhand smoke imposes the same problem as much as direct smoking does (Chapman, 2007). So imagine a single soldier who smokes and pollutes the entire barrack. Studies show that a nonsmoker who lives with a smoker has a 20 to 30 percent greater risk of lung cancer than nonsmoker who lives with another nonsmoker. In a workplace, a nonsmoker exposed from secondhand smoke is 16 to 19 percent more likely to have lung cancer. This is the case because nonsmokers are exposed to the same amount of carcinogen as confirmed by International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization, US National Cancer Institute, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. National Institutes of Health and Surgeon General of the United States.Smokers do not only harm their self but also the environment. There is no dispute that smoking pollutes the air. There are around 4,000 hazardous substance in cigarettes which human beings inhale and exhale in the atmosphere (Phalen, 2002). An entire squad of soldiers doing exactly the same thing indicates an enourmous quantity of pollution. Smoking also causes water and land pollution due to million of cigarette butts left on the ground and end up in lakes and rivers. Water animals mistak en these cigarette butts for food are being poisoned and killed. Cigarette butts seem so insignificant but it can do a lot of damage during the 25 years of its decomposition. While decomposing, its hazardous elements leak to the soil, harming the plants. They are also highly flamable which can cause major fires.To sum up, arguments supporting the smoking ban in US military outweigh the criticism. When the ban is officially enacted, it will improve the health of the servicemen, cut the cost for health services and ultimately, save lives.Works CitedChapman, Simon. Public Health Advocacy and Tobacco Control: Making Smoking History. MA: Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2007.â€Å"Smoking Ban May Strike Military.† 11 July 2009.   Fox News. 16 July 2009, Yung-Tse, Norman Pereira and Lawrence Wang. Advance Air and Noise Pollution Control. NJ: Humana Press, Inc., 2005.McGowan, Richard. Business, Politics and Cigarettes: Multiple Levels, Multiple Agendas. CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc., 1995.Phalen, Robert. The Particulate Air Pollution Controversy: A Case Study and Lessons Learned. Massachusetts: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

President George W. Bush Fast Facts

President George W. Bush Fast Facts George Walker Bush (1946-) served as the forty-third president of the United States from 2001 to 2009. Early in his first term on September 11, 2001, terrorists attacked the Pentagon and the World Trade Center using airplanes as weapons. The rest of both of his terms in office were spent dealing with the after-effects of this. America got involved in two wars: one in Afghanistan and one in Iraq.  Here is a quick list of fast facts for George W Bush. For more in-depth information, you can also read the George W Bush Biography. Birth: July 6, 1946Term of Office: January 20, 2001 – January 20, 2009Number of Terms Elected: 2 TermsFirst Lady: Laura Welch George W Bush Quote If our country does not lead the cause of freedom, it will not be led. If we do not turn the hearts of children toward knowledge and character, we will lose their gifts and undermine their idealism. If we permit our economy to drift and decline, the vulnerable will suffer most. Major Events While in Office Contested Election (2000)Terrorist Attack on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center in New York City (September 11, 2001)War in Afghanistan (2001)War in Iraq (2003)

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

How Napoleon Became Emperor of France

How Napoleon Became Emperor of France Napoleon Bonaparte first took political power in France through a coup against the old government, but he had not instigated it: that had principally been the plotting of Sieyes. What Napoleon did was to capitalize on the situation in order to dominate the new ruling Consulate and gain control of France by creating a constitution which bound his interests to many of the most powerful people in France: the landowners. He was then able to use this to leverage his support into being declared Emperor. The passage of a leading general through the end of a revolutionary series of governments and into an emperor was not clear and could have failed, but Napoleon showed as much skill in this area of politics as he did on the battlefield. Why the Landowners Supported Napoleon The revolution had stripped the land and wealth from the churches and much of the aristocracy and sold it to landowners who were now terrified that royalists, or some sort of comprise government, would strip them of it, in turn, and restore it. There were calls for the return of the crown (small at this point, but present), and a new monarch would surely rebuild the church and aristocracy. Napoleon thus created a constitution which gave many of these landowners power, and as he said they should retain the land (and allowed them to block any movement of land), ensured that they would, in turn, support him as leader of France. Why Landowners Wanted an Emperor However, the constitution only made Napoleon First Consul for ten years, and people began to fear what would happen when Napoleon left. This allowed him to secure the nomination of the consulship for life in 1802: if Napoleon didn’t have to be replaced after a decade, land was safe for longer. Napoleon also used this period to pack more of his men into government while debasing the other structures, further increasing his support. The result was, by 1804, a ruling class which was loyal to Napoleon, but now worrying what would happen on his death, a situation exacerbated by an assassination attempt and their First Consul’s habit of leading armies (hed already nearly been killed in battle and would later wish he had been). The expelled French monarchy was still waiting outside the nation, threatening to return all ‘stolen’ property: could they ever come back, such as had happened in England? The result, enflamed by Napoleon’s propaganda and his family, was the idea that Napoleon’s government must be made hereditary so hopefully, on Napoleon’s death, an heir who thought like his father would inherit and safeguard land. Emperor of France Consequently, on May 18th, 1804, the Senate – who had all been chosen by Napoleon - passed a law making him Emperor of the French (he had rejected king as both too close to the old royal government and not ambitious enough) and his family was made hereditary heirs. A plebiscite was held, worded so that if Napoleon had no children – as he hadn’t at that point – either another Bonaparte would be selected or he could adopt an heir. The result of the vote looked convincing on paper (3.5 million for, 2500 against), but it had been massaged at all levels, such as automatically casting yes votes for everyone in the military. On December 2, 1804, the Pope was present as Napoleon was crowned: as agreed beforehand, he placed the crown on his own head. Over the next few years, the Senate and Napoleon’s Council of State dominated the government of France – which in effect meant just Napoleon – and the other bodies withered away. Although the constitution didn’t require Napoleon to have a son, he wanted one, and so divorced his first wife and married Marie-Louise of Austria. They swiftly had a son: Napoleon II, King of Rome. He would never rule France, as his father would be defeated in 1814 and 1815, and the monarchy would return but he would be forced to compromise.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Management of Human Resources Individual work wk4 Assignment

Management of Human Resources Individual work wk4 - Assignment Example First is the economic globalization where there is increased global marketplace for products. Therefore, organizations should emphasize on innovating new products as well as employ people who are highly skilled and knowledgeable for most businesses are operating globally. Secondly, there is a shortage of skilled labor and talented employees worldwide therefore through information technology it is possible to employ a global workforce thus making it possible to operate globally therefore should be embraced. Thirdly, different countries have different cultures therefore for those firms that operate in more than one country, it is important to adapt the local cultures of each country. Lastly, the business strategies of an organization describe the ways these organizations plan to gain advantage and stay ahead of the competitors. Organizations should ensure that they produce goods of high quality, constantly innovating, providing the best services to customers and keeping costs low. Thes e changes will be incremental as the business world is developing very fast and organizations need to keep up with the speed to beat competition. The HR policies will be affected greatly by the changes. This is because of the fact that they will need to recruit new staff who are skilled as well as train those already in the business it will be costly but worthwhile. I addition, the performance of most organizations will also go up because organizations will be using up to date technology and skilled workers. The consequences include an expensive work force who will be asking for bigger pay for the services they offer as well as the business will grow due to the good performance of the skilled employees. Some of the advantages of using employee surveys to assess progress toward HR objectives include the ability to survey a large number of employees at the same time as well as getting honest and ample feedback. In addition,

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Technology, Society, and Culture Group Project Term Paper

Technology, Society, and Culture Group Project - Term Paper Example na, Evaristo and Srite (2005) values are acquired early in life through childhood socialization and education, and are often â€Å"stable in nature but can change over time reflecting changes in culture†. Practices develop later in life through activities such as workplace socialization, and are more subject to change than values. According to a cross-cultural research conducted by Kawabata and Tamura (2007) there is limited religious use of the Internet by the Japanese in comparison to the US in spite of a high Internet penetration rate of 66.8% and estimated 85.29 million users by the end of 2005 Internet exchanges are primarily text-based interactions, whereas the new religions, which are more active in Japan than Buddhism or Christianity, have a strong element of religious activities that are physical action-oriented and cannot be translated into text. The structure of public education in Japan is largely based on the American model of education adopted after World War II. Practically almost 100% of Japanese students complete its nine-year compulsory education core. In the late 1980s, the Ministry of Education included computer literacy courses in technology education programs in lower secondary schools to help students understand the roles and functions of computers, and develop capability for the use of computers and information (Murata & Stern, 1993). Combining these new computer courses with introduction of integrated problem solving courses such as mechatronics, applied mechatronics and independent project study at upper secondary technical courses greatly increased the technical human capacity in Japan. Japan has also been able to leverage its superior computer technology and skills to create some of the largest and most advanced products such as textiles, electronics, motor vehicles, chemical substances, processed foods, steel and nonferrous metals and so on. Cultural practices may have changed due to the cross-cultural information brokered by

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Monopolized Water Industry Advantages and Disadvantages

Monopolized Water Industry Advantages and Disadvantages Background and Development Under the Constitutions of Malaysia, water is the state matter and is one of the human needs to survive. The source of water usually comes from river, lake, wetland, oceans, ground water etc, but without a good filter or water quality controller, we cannot drink water which is unfiltered from the source of water. Every country or state has its own water industry to help in water quality control and water supply to all the resident area, industrials area etc. By 1950s, Malaya (Malaysia) had 100 treatments plants which produced 195 million litres of water to supply the population of 1.15 million daily. Demand for water had increased sharply during the years after independence in 1957, especially in the capital city. To cope with the rising demand for water, Malaya decided to build Klang Gates Dam and the Bukit Nanas Treatments plant in 1959 to end the water rationing and the long period of water shortage. Water development had since figured in Malaysia plans. During the period, the foc us was put on urban and suburban supplies. By implementing the 3rd Malaysia Plan (1976-1980), which was to redress the inequalities of policies, the water supply received a much needed boost. The number of household in Peninsular Malaysia received treated water in urban and rural areas, and the figure of household raised sharply from 23% in 1950 to 85% in 1990. By the mid of 1980s, due to the rising of the demand for water, there was not only a raising in household area, but also a new demand for water in a new sector – industries. The water industry called for water transfer from state on the other side of range, which was from Pahang to Selangor. At the end of 1999, there were a total of 69 dams in Malaysia. 35 dams have been developed for water supply usage. Dam in the Pedu, Kedah and Terengganu, which had combined storage capacity exceeds more than 20,000 million cubic metres. Terengganu corporatized its water supply industry in 1995, while Selangor, Kuantan and Johor cho ose to privatize its water supply. Looking through the current 8th Malaysia Plan, the development of water resources as in Water Resources Master Plan for the country will be up to 2050 which involves 62 major water projects such as raising the existing dams, build new dams, inter-state water transfer, new treatments plans, and identifying or exploring area for development (cited in A Glimpse at water supply in Malaysia (n.d.)). In Selangor and the Federal territories of Putrajaya and Kuala Lumpur, water supply distribution has been privatized. Selangor water supply is control by Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (Syabas). Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor has officially taken over operation and management of Perbadanan Urus Air Selangor, and Syabas is responsible for the water supply distribution and service in Selangor. On July 8th 1996, Syabas was incorporated under the Malaysian Companies 1965 to agree with the privatization of water supply services in the state of Selangor. Syabas is ever since responsible on the supply or distribution of water to over 7.8 million people and 1.9 million out of it are domestic consumers, commercials, factories, and industrial buildings in Selangor. Syabas operates have a stretch of about 26,705.79KM water pipes which were made by ductile iron, mild steel, cement, HDPE, asbestos, cast iron and UPVC ranging around from 100mm – 2200mm diameter. Besides, according to its offi cial website, Syabas owns 1528 of tower reservoirs, suction tank and service reservoirs. Syabas also owns about 589 booster pump stations in Selangor and 121,871 valves. The developments of Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (Syabas) are Development Plan Submission which is eDPLAS System. Syabas as the water industry in Selangor is responsible to supply clean and high quality water to all the Selangor citizens. After the approval of Syabas to be a monopoly, Syabas proceeded with the development plan. All the applications submitted by developers and consultants were managed and monitored by eDPLAS system according to Syabas official website. It centralized the database where Syabas can district offices to view the same information. Besides, Syabas introduced Migration as an option for the apartment or condominium to migrate to individual water supply on certain conditions. Consumer can enjoy the tiered domestic rates of water charge which is RM0.57 for the first 20 cubic metres, RM1.38 per cubic metre for condominium and RM0.80 per cubic metre for low cost apartment. Characteristics SYABAS is the only water supply firm to households in Klang valley. The reason is because it has acquired a license from the government which is a legal barrier for it to function as a monopoly. SYABAS also invested a huge amount of money for its capital to start off as a monopoly. For this reason, there have been a lot of water companies trying to develop a business like how SYABAS does but they fail. Besides, the patents and licenses owned by SYABAS and were also the reasons why Syabas remains strong as the only water industry in Selangor. (Yuan, 2013) In this case, the monopolized water industry could use the power of economic profit to get the approval from politician. Politicians’ preference will lead to the problem of inequity for the consumers. (World of Economies , 2013) Since SYABAS is the only water supply firm in Klang valley, this will make it function as the price maker. SYABAS increased water tariffs up to 72% off the normal rate because there has no close substitutes for it. From here, it is making a good profit because they will only keep on providing enough water supply to be a steady profit producers and be the leader of this industry. (Selangor Kini, 2013) Besides, price discrimination is likely to occur when there is a monopoly such as SYABAS. The monopolized company targets and segments group into, for example, low class and high class. In this case, SYABAS charge different price according to different class to maximize it’s total revenue. It will charge RM0.80 per cubic metre for low cost apartment which is low class segment and RM1.38 per cubic metre for condominium which is high class segment. This is also a pricing strategy from SYABAS because there is no close water substitute for the consumers in Klang valley. (Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor) Benefits There are several benefits of having a monopoly in the water industry in Selangor, as they are highly motivated and publicly spirited as much as competitive industry. First, let us look at the economics of scale.( (Tejvan R Pettinger) When comparing a monopoly company such as Syabas with other water supply firms, Syabas has the advantage over firms due to their larger market territory and infrastructures. Example, if a smaller firm tries to compete with Syabas, it will have to invest in capital and infrastructures which will lead to heavy investment. By the time these firms start selling their water, the cost will be very high due to the repayment of the initial investment. Most household or office industry will avoid it, since there is an alternative to Syabas which will provide them with a cheaper price since the infrastructure has already been there. In the long run, these companies will face difficulties and may start making losses. It would be best to leave Syabas to monopolize the market, to avoid wasteful duplication of infrastructure. The second benefit that can be seen for monopoly is privatization , it was better off for the water supply to be manage by private companies such as Syabas rather than being handled by the Selangor state chief minister. Before Syabas was created in the year 1996, the Selangor state government was handling the water supply for the state very poorly as there were many issues such as fiscal constraints, inefficient administration, poor standard quality of water and inconsistency supply of water. Nevertheless, both the Selangor state government and federal for Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya granted Syabas to operate, manage, and distribution on clean water for a period on thirty years. Since then, Syabas has been responsible for distribution water supply over 7 million consumers in the federal territory and Selangor state. The third benefit of a monopoly is being a successful firm, though being inefficient and dynamic. (Tejvan R Pettinger) Syabas has delivered quality water by complying with government regulatory during the Concession Agreement in 2004. Moreover, Syabas has put in place a mechanism that respond to customer’s criticisms of poor quality water within the hour. The firm is also trying to change the public perception of water into instils public that the water is safe for consumption and is clean though its Water Quality Improvement Master Plan. Beside, that Syabas has put a mechanism called Standard Operating Procedures, which they improve their respond to pipe burst, leaks and monitoring and inspection of the Mains and Reservoirs. By following this sequence, Syabas has fewer breakdowns a, water supply distribution and it shows that Syabas is capable in handling any water crisis. Drawbacks While having a monopolized water industry— Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn. Bhd. (SYABAS) brings a couple of benefits to us, there are also a few drawbacks of having a monopolized water industry in our state Selangor. First of all, when SYABAS is the only permitted water industry to supply water to areas around our region Selangor, it functions as the price maker and charges at a price above its marginal cost. For that, those whose willingness to pay is below the increased price wouldn’t value the change. Consequently, these people may choose to use lesser water to cut the cost. Therefore, the quantity produced and sold is allocatively inefficient at the monopoly price. In the context of Economics, when the inefficiency of allocation is presented in a graph, there will be a triangle region which is the surplus consumers and produces would’ve enjoyed if the allocation is efficient. This triangle region is called the deadweight loss. Besides of the occurrence of deadweight loss, the inefficient allocation of a monopoly would cause a part of the consumer surplus to become the producers’ surplus. That being said, the producers of a monopoly will always enjoy more surplus than the consumers do, theoretically. Furthermore, SYABAS knows well that since they are the only water industry in Selangor, the Selangor citizens wouldn’t be able to get any other close substitute (another water supply). Therefore, the company can easily exploit their consumers as the majority of the people would still buy their product (water) regardless of the price. A good example for the exploitation of consumers by SYABAS functioning as the monopolized water industry was the imposing of 72 percent increased water charges off the normal rate upon the residents of Pangsapuri Cendana (flat in Shah Alam, Selangor) on 21st January 2013. According to Selangor Kini (2013), the water charges were supposed to be RM0.80 per cubic metre for flats, but SYABAS had charged the residents of Pangsapuri Cendana at RM1.38 per cubic metre which seemed to be the water charges for apartments or condominiums. SYABAS tried to get away from the issue and refused to address any statement even after the residents involved made a few attempts to contact the SYABAS Officials. Moreover, a monopolized company usually has less incentive when it is the only firm and doesn’t have any competition in its market. SYABAS had been receiving tons of complaint calls from the consumers since the start of year 2013 according to Malaymail Online (2013). It was accused of being ‘unprofessional’ and ‘doesn’t give a proper answer’ by many consumers as Kishven Sirinezan, one of the consumers, claimed that the call operators of SYABAS had given him the reason of â€Å"burst pipes† when he had no water supply for three consecutive weeks. Besides, when a company is a monopoly, there is always a tendency of not taking the consumers’ welfare into account. For example, there has been a lot of water crisis happening in Selangor every year. As a monopolized water industry, it is SYABAS’ responsibility to make sure there’s always enough water supply for every household or industry in Selangor. However, SYABAS doesnà ¢â‚¬â„¢t seem to be focused on solving the problem nor does it try to cut down its cost and charge the consumers at a lower price. In addition, a monopoly can bring negative effects to households. In SYABAS’ case, when the monopolized water industry cannot afford to supply enough water and causes a water crisis at a certain period of time, the daily routines and budgets of people would be severely affected because we cannot drink, cook, and shower without water. Water crisis also brings inconvenience to the people affected. Besides, those who happen to run out of water have to spend extra money on buying mineral water and laundry service throughout the water rationing period. Last but not least, SYABAS as the only water industry in Selangor can also affect businesses in terms of their productions and profits during a water crisis. When the water supply is in shortage, some affected industries such as food processing industries might not have sufficient water to make enough productions during the time period. Therefore, they make losses. According to MySinChew (2014), 30 companies in Selangor such as Nestle, Monin Asia, and Panasonic (to name a few) suffered from huge losses due to the water crisis earlier this year. Among these 30 companies, Nestle was arguably facing the worst as the company made losses of RM15 million daily from the crisis. Conclusion As a conclusion, a monopoly is a single firm functions as the sole seller in its market without any competition. When it comes down to monopoly, different people have different opinions whether a single firm taking over the market is good or bad to the society. Based on the research that we did on Syabas, there are more drawbacks than benefits from the monopolized water industry. According to our research, it was reported that Syabas tried to exploit its consumers, has less incentive to improve its quality of product and services, and brings negative effects to households and businesses during a water crisis due to its inefficiency. For that, there are a few solutions suggested to solve these issues. First of all, since Syabas as the only water industry in Selangor is experiencing an economics of scale, the company should consider on improving the quality of its products and services. The monopolized water industry shouldn’t be using low quality materials to build the pipes wh ich distribute the water to us because these low-quality pipes will eventually be broken and cause leakage. When this happens, Syabas has to fix the broken pipes, and this subsequently leads to high-cost repairing. Furthermore, Syabas should frequently monitor the water dam level by investing in proper research and development. By doing so, they can prevent water crisis from happening and take a proper counter-measurement. Lastly, since Syabas is the only water contractor, it is highly unfair and unjustified for the company to exploit its consumer by charging them at an irrational price. For that, Syabas has to review its business strategy by making a proper budget arrangement and take the welfare of Selangor residence into account. Reference list 30 companies in Selangor suffer huge losses due to water crisis Mahdzir News Selangor water issue My Sinchew. (2014, November 10). Retrieved from A glimpse of the water supply in Malaysia. (n.d.). Retrieved from Asset Management  » Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn. Bhd. (1-800-88-5252). (n.d.). Retrieved November 19, 2014, from Development Plan Submission (eDPLAS System)  » Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn. Bhd. (1-800-88-5252). (n.d.). Retrieved from Flat Residents Protest Against Syabas Increasing Water Charges By 72 Percent | Selangorku English. (2013, January 22). Retrieved from Ghani, A. (2014, April 21). 7 Things Malaysians Are Spending On This Water Rationing Period | CompareHero Yahoo News Malaysia. Retrieved from Migration  » Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn. Bhd. (1-800-88-5252). (n.d.). Retrieved from Monopoly | features, advantages, disadvantages. (n.d.). Retrieved from Murthy, A. (2013, July 2). Consumers hit out at Syabas complaints services | Malaysia | Malay Mail Online. Retrieved from Operations  » Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn. Bhd. (1-800-88-5252). (n.d.). Retrieved from Our Mission Vision  » Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn. Bhd. (1-800-88-5252). (n.d.). Retrieved November 19, 2014, from R Pettinger, T. (n.d.). Advantages of monopoly. Retrieved November 19, 2014, from SMS Data Logger  » Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn. Bhd. (1-800-88-5252). (n.d.). Retrieved November 19, 2014, from Water Quality Improvement Programme  » Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn. Bhd. (1-800-88-5252). (n.d.). Retrieved November 19, 2014, from Water Quality  » Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn. Bhd. (1-800-88-5252). (n.d.). Retrieved November 19, 2014, from World Of Economics: SYABAS a NATURAL MONOPOLY. (2013, July 8). Retrieved from

Friday, January 17, 2020

Dramatization Approach and New Testament Essay

The dramatization and object lesson witnessing approach was extremely dominant in the Old Testament. This witnessing approach that was present in the ministry of Hosea, Jeremiah, Elisha and especially Ezekiel the priest-prophet did not vanish with the passing of the Old Testament era. According to Braudis (2012) Object lessons use something familiar and known to introduce something less familiar or unknown or to further reinforce something that is already familiar. Using simple illustrations and object lessons will increase people understanding of Bible truths better than a factual word explanation would. In the New Testament dispensation, the dramatization and Object lesson witnessing approach is demonstrated through the use of parables and allegories. It has been said that a parable is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning. Blank, ( 2001) states, parable is derived from the Greek word pronounced parabole, meaning a likeness or comparison. A parable is a method of teaching using a comparison between two things. Parables were a heavily utilized form of teaching and instruction in the Jewish economy. In His ministry, Jesus commonly employed the use of parables to illustrate and illuminate profound truths. SDA Commentary 1980, points out, the parables of our Lord were usually based on common experiences of everyday life familiar to His hearers, and often on specific incidents that had recently occurred. On parable on a recently occurred incident was that of the Good Samaritan. (White, n.d.) says, this was no imaginary scene, but an actual occurrence, which was known to be exactly as represented. SDA Commentary, (1980) indicates that in using parables Jesus; (1) aroused interest, attention, and inquiry, (2) imparted unwanted truth without arousing prejudice, (3) evaded the spies who pursued Him relentlessly, (4) created in the minds of His hearers lasting impressions that would be renewed and intensified when the scene presented in the parables again came to mind or to view, (5) restored nature as an avenue for knowing God. On the other hand, the dictionary describes an allegory as the representation of abstract ideas or principles by characters, figures, or events in narrative, dramatic, or pictorial form (The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition). The apostle Paul using an allegory states, Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers†¦ (II Cor. 6:14) Walters, (1957) says, in this case the yoke represents unhappy unions of those who are saved with those who are unsaved in any service or work. Additionally, the Church is called the â€Å"body† of Christ in (I Cor. 12:27) and the New Jerusalem is compared to a bride. (Rev. 21:2). (Stedman , 2009) advances the following interpretive principles can we draw from this biblical example of allegory; (1) Allegory is a bona-fide figure of speech used in the Bible. (2) It employs comparison and correspondence of words and ideas. (3) It is illustrative and explanatory of a specific line of truth. (4) It cannot be divorced from its local context or the historical narrative from which it is drawn. (5) It is comprised of a number of metaphorical expressions in which the meaning of one word is invested in another. (6) None of the figurative expressions are so obscure as to leave us guessing as to their import. (7) We can expect to learn something from their use that will be of profit applicable to life. Amidst the myriad of witnessing approaches, it is our settled conviction that dramatization and object lessons as presented in the New Testament can be a very effective model of witnessing in a contemporary setting. References Blank, W. (2001). Why Did Jesus Use Parables? Retrieved August 15, 2012 from Braudis, B. (2010). Teaching Truth With Simplicity. Retrieved July 29, 2012 from Nichol, F. et al (1980). The Seventh-Day Adventist Bible Commentary. Washington: Review and Herald Publishing Association Stedman, R. (2009). Allegories and Types: Basics of Bible Interpretation. Retrieved August 14, 2012 from Walters, W. (1957). Dictionary of Bible Types. Retrieved August 15, 2012 from White, E. G. (n.d.). The Desire of Ages: The Good Samaritan. Retrieved August 15, 2012 from Why did Jesus teach in parables? Retrieved August 15, 2012 from

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Journal Entry African American - 972 Words

Journal Entry of a Subordinate Group Member June 18th, 1963 Hello my precious unborn child. I am not really sure where to begin. The doctor is saying that I might not make it through this pregnancy but they will make sure you live to see this crazy world that we live in. I want to make sure that you understand your history and where you come from! What a journey our family has been through. They just don’t make it easy for an African American Family. Here we are and we have struggled just to make it here to the Deep South. We settled here in Ole Miss just like lots of other black folks and you would think that after they freed us from slavery they could just leave us be. I guess I should tell you a little about†¦show more content†¦As I sit here and write to you and I look across the street of this tiny little home I live in I see the neighbors and in their front yard is a cross that someone has lit on fire. Why, because today he walked a white girl to school. Rumors started and now everyone knows that this little girl likes him. Yet he is being punished for it. It shouldn’t matter. If there is one thing that you need to know and one thing that I can teach you through this letter it is to be you. Know yourself. Never let anyone tell you that you can not do something. Most importantly, re member that loves has no boundaries. It sees no color. It does not understand hate. It does not segregate nor does it discriminate. I hope that you never have to endure the hardships that we have to endure during these trying times. Always remember to live with no regrets and never look back! I love you with all my heart- Momma Works Citied Page African American Slavery (1998) Long Island University Retrieved from Timeline Search for African American History (2010) Google Search Engine,tll:1850,tlh:1899ei=lrPUS9avLoK78gbfpL3qDwoi=timeline_histogram_navct=timeline-histogramcd=8ved=0CIcBEMkBKAg History of AfricanShow MoreRelatedJournal Entry of a Subordinate Group Member753 Words   |  4 PagesJournal Entry of a Subordinate Group Member Journal entry one: I am an African America child living. It is the summer of 1979 and I am incredibly hot right now. I live in Wyoming. There are not a lot of people who appear similar to me here. I talk to my mother plus ask her many questions. I remember asking her, â€Å"Why am I called an African American?† My mother went on to say that our race originated in Africa. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

A Brief Note On Effective Collaboration And Teamwork

A conflict within an organization occurs due miscommunications and differing beliefs, decisions, or actions. Conflicts can be very stressful and can create problems in the workplace if not resolved. Effective collaboration and teamwork are important for avoiding conflicts in any given organization or entity. A conflict that I have personally witnessed was at my mother’s doctor’s office that consisted of a primary care physician, specialist, nurse, and medical assistant. When my mother was receiving treatment and care for her various aliments at the doctor’s office, I noticed the conflicts among this group of health care providers. They were clearly not communicating well with each other. Hence, there was a lack of collaboration and†¦show more content†¦So, the endocrinologist said that as soon as the primary care physician was done seeing the other patient, she would inform the primary care physician about the blood tests and electrocardiogram. The primary care physician was done seeing her other patient and then it was my mother’s turn to get seen by her for a physical examination. The nurse took my mother’s vital and entered all her health information into the Electronic Medical Record system, including the medications and doses. The primary care physician performed a physical examination and discussed her treatments. The doctor’s diagnosis suggested that my mother also needed a urine test to check if she had any urine infection. We also told the doctor to check for hematuria (blood in urine). So, the doctor directed the nurse to do a urine test as well as an overall blood work. I started to notice the conflict from here when the nurse just drew her blood and got her urine, but did not do an electrocardiogram. The endocrinologist never told the nurse or the primary care physician about doing an electrocardiogram. They told us we were all done and so we checked out with the receptionist. We waited for about a week to hear about the test results. The medical assistant called us and only mentioned that there was no urine infection. When I asked her about hematuria, she said that they only checked for urine